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Feeling Down? Here's Why and How to Turn it Around!

Have you ever had one of those days where everything just feels off? Maybe you wake up feeling unmotivated, or you have a disagreement with a loved one that leaves you feeling upset. Negative emotions are a natural part of the human experience, but have you ever wondered why they occur and how you can turn them around?

The answer lies in the Law of Attraction's Step 1, which is to ask for an improvement. When you feel negative emotions, it's your inner being's way of telling you that you're focusing on something unwanted. Your inner being, whether you call it Source, Higher Self, or God, is focused on what you want, and you are not. This creates a vibrational separation that causes negative emotions.

But don't worry, you have the power to close the gap and feel good. Here are some ways to align yourself with your inner being's positive focus:

  1. Choose positive thoughts: You are in control of your thoughts. When you feel negative emotions, start choosing thoughts that feel a little bit better than whatever you're feeling.

  2. Use energy techniques: Tapping and meditation are simple techniques that can help you shift your energy and access more positive thoughts.

  3. Make yourself a priority: Pay attention to how you feel and take care of yourself, even if it's just one little thing at a time.

  4. Practice appreciation: Train yourself to look for and pay attention to things that are going well for you.

  5. Set intentions: State your intention to feel good often during the day to help yourself stay on track.

By following these tips, you can raise your vibration and align yourself with your inner being's positive focus. Remember, negative emotions are not bad in themselves. They're a natural part of Step 1, which is to ask for an improvement. You have the power to turn things around and feel your best.

So the next time you wake up feeling unmotivated or have a disagreement with a loved one, remember that negative emotions are just a sign that you're focusing on something unwanted. Take a deep breath, choose a positive thought, and watch as your day starts to turn around. You've got this!

Helpful Resources:

🔗 4 Steps to Invincibility and to take control of your life:

🔗 Simple Guide To Creating The Life You Want:


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