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Magic of 47 Minutes

“You are a magician or something” – that’s how I was greeted on the phone by a client after a 47 minute in-person session.

It took this person, we will call her Oli, to work through and recover from a paralyzing fear in just one session that was 47 minutes long. We took a walk in a peaceful natural setting instead of doing an online or a regular sit-down session, and it served us both well!

Oli shared an unexpected fear, panic really, of driving. Something that developed out of nowhere and had a PTSD like symptoms that paralyzed Oli, who was NEVER afraid of driving before. Oli didn’t particularly like driving but was a wonderful, confident, safe driver with years of experience.

Oli brought this up because she could not drive kids to school anymore which became a big problem and one, she couldn’t hide.

Everything started with two main factors: being hit for the first time in her life from behind and hitting someone while backing out on the parking lot, all in a matter of 2 months and then a purchase of brand new, very expensive car.

It’s important to bring up that Oli has driven luxury, high-end cars for over a decade and this was never an issue until this absolutely new, top of the line vehicle.

The incidents themselves were harmless and meaningless BUT they had a tremendous effect on Oli. This is something we can all experience sometimes and are slow to realize because we believe we have to overcome it ourselves or another polarity, where we just can’t believe it altogether that something is affecting us this much, so we take no action in both situations until it’s out of control.

Oli’s fear started when she would get into the car – new feeling of being emotionally paralyzed that she is refusing to accept – thoughts going through her head “I have to be able to do it, I have to overcome this, I have to appear calm, I have to drive my sons to school” – all of this going on while two kids are on the back seat, waiting for them to take off – deeper panic – she gives up and calls her husband to take over.

Fear has gotten so bad that all Oli could see when she looked at her car was an image of the young man hitting her from behind while being on the phone and her watching him do it in the rear-view mirror, being helpless and paralyzed.

Now, let’s go over the work we went through for her to come out feeling truly free on the other side of this. The statements are around this specific fear, I encourage you to replace them with whatever fears you might have and giving it a try. Even if takes longer than 47 minutes, you are certain to get relief, feel better, calmer, more confident and to eliminate the fear completely, like Oli.

**If you believe that you need outside help to work through your issues, please contact a qualified professional who can guide you through the process in pace that works for you, however slow or fast it may be.

We will be using IEP and SET. To learn more about them, please watch the provided videos.

To begin, you can just start tapping at any points that are convenient to you. We did most of the session with finger points and added 10-15 minutes of face points.

Let’s get started:

Me: I release all of my emotional attachments to driving. Keep tapping and watching for feelings, sensations in the body or thoughts/memories. Give yourself time to tap between each statement before jumping onto the next.

Me: what is the feeling after you say these words?

Oli: Panic, fear, all I keep seeing is that guy hitting me. I feel my heart is about to jump out of my chest.

Me: I release all of my emotional attachments to this panic.

Oli: takes a deep breath. Phew. Feels better, breathing easier.

Me: I release all of my emotional attachments to fear of driving.

Oli and I are discussing details of what she is feeling all along and I offer statements in between. When you are doing this work on your own, keep tapping at all times and talk to yourself when necessary. It helps some people to rant in between, let the pressure of thoughts and fears out and ease up a bit.

Oli: Feels good. Lots of panic.

Me: I restore the right energy flow to this panic.

Oli: keeps tapping. I keep seeing the image of him hitting me and today, I am at the red light, and this older lady is driving so fast right into me, and I have a feeling that she will hit me, so I turned away. It was fine, nothing happened.

Me: I release all of my emotional attachments to:

1. This image.

2. This memory of me being hit.

3. To this intersection.

4. To the projection that I will get hit again.

5. To the projection that I will get hit from behind.

6. To controlling the drivers around me.

Oli is tapping continuedly and offering her feelings. There is a strong reaction in her heart, chest area.

Me: I restore the right energy flow and balance to

1. My whole chest area.

2. My heart.

3. My chest.

4. To the weight on my chest.

Feeling eases up and we continue.

Me: “driving” – what is the immediate feeling?

Oli: Panic, fear.

Me: I release all of my resistances and aversions to driving and all the fear around it.

Oli: after tapping for a while feels much better.

We move into SET:

**I can’t do it ** there is no way ** I know I will get hit ** how can I control everyone ** this guy ** this person ** I hate them ** I hate that he did this to me ** I hate that he was on the phone ** look at him ** he is so smug ** he doesn’t even care ** he hit me and he doesn’t even care ** and I am paralyzed ** I am so afraid ** all this fear ** all this fear ** all this fear ** all this fear ** all this panic ** I am panicking ** I can’t do it ** all this panic ** I am too afraid ** I am afraid ** and I don’t want to admit it ** I have to be strong ** and this is making me weak ** I am so weak ** it’s disgusting ** I can’t believe I am feeling this way ** there is something wrong with me ** I have to take medication ** I can’t do it ** why can’t I do it? ** why can’t I overcome this fear? ** it’s so strong ** all this panic ** all this panic ** all this panic ** I can’t control myself ** I am so afraid ** all I keep seeing is that guy hitting me from behind while being on the phone ** it happened already ** I knew it will happen ** and it did ** today I learned that what I focus on comes to life ** of course I want to blame this guy ** I want to blame all the stupid drivers that make me nervous ** I want to blame my husband and even this car ** because it’s easier, because it makes so much sense ** but I’ve learned that I attract what I focus on the most and I can actually trace my thoughts back to before this happened ** I was thinking about someone hitting me all the time and it happened ** and even though it doesn’t make me feel better about it, I am more aware of the situation and it’s good ** all this fear ** all this fear ** I will get hit from behind ** it’s so real ** all this fear ** I am afraid to drive ** all this fear.

Me: I restore the right energy flow and balance to my heart … to my whole chest … to my breathing; I restore the right energy balance to my heart and chest, to all the remaining fear.

Oli: big sighs all around, visibly calmer, and more aware.

Me: go back to driving in your mind, what do you feel?

Oli: I see that area where I got hit and feel afraid.

Me: I release all of my emotional attachments to this area of the road, to this portion of the way where I got hit.

Oli: big sigh; it’s easier to breath, deep breaths and keeps tapping. Now I remember that this area was actually my favorite when I came here. I loved driving to this place and go to the shopping plaza. We just got married and I loved it here.

Me: this is what you feel right now?

Oli: yes, I just realized this.

Me: let’s keep checking in. Close your eyes and imagine getting in the car right now. What is the feeling?

Oli: I am afraid. The car is new, and I am afraid.

Me: so, the fact that the car is new is significant to you?

Oli: yes, it is (and gives personal reasons that I am not disclosing here).

Me: I release all my emotional attachments to this new car; to the new car.

Oli: this thought just popped into my mind “when I got the new car, I was able to go 2 hours away to pick it up and the road there was terrible, difficult but I did it! I can do it. I am getting the awareness back”.

Me: do you trust yourself now? Do you feel safe?

Oli: I don’t know.

Me: I release all of my emotional attachments to:

1. trusting myself

2. feeling safe

Continue tapping in between these two statements.

We are going back to SET: ** I don’t know if I feel safe ** I used to but I don’t know any more ** I feel like I have to control all the drivers on the road ** I have to keep watching them ** I have to keep looking in the mirror ** this mirror ** this mirror ** looking in the mirror ** I have to control them ** what if they are on the phone and not paying attention ** I have to be caseous ** I have to be caseous ** all this fear ** I can’t trust other drivers ** I have to control them ** I have to try to control them ** all this fear ** I have to be caseous ** I have to be alert ** all this stress ** all this pressure in my body ** all this pressure to be alert ** all this pressure to control everyone on the road ** I can’t do it ** of course, it’s impossible ** but I. have to try ** I have to be afraid ** because this far helps me to stay alert ** this fear helps me to control myself** this fear helps me to protect myself ** all this fear ** I am letting it go ** I understand that the only person I can control is myself ** I don’t know if I trust myself ** but I do ** I do trust myself ** I don’t trust them ** I am alert ** all this fear ** all this fear ** all this fear.

Me: I restore the right energy flow to my chest, all the fear around it, all the areas around it.

Oli: a lot of improvement.

Me: Let’s continue. Go back to your car, what is the feeling?

Oli: I remember the situation when I hit the lady on the parking lot.

Me: I release all of my emotional attachments to this situation; to this memory; to hitting the lady on the parking; to will hit someone again on the parking lot.

Oli: no, I feel fine! I feel aware! I can do it! I won’t hit anyone; I am just looking around in my mind for space and the usual things – just like I used to do.

Me: great. Say, I trust myself and I am safe when driving.

Oli offers feedback.

Me: I release all of my emotional attachments to:

1. Not paying attention to others and trusting that I am safe.

2. To residual fear.

3. To all the leftover fear.

4. I restore the right energy flow to my confidence.

5. I restore the right energy balance to I am a confident driver.

6. I restore the right energy flow to I am safe.

7. I restore the right energy flow to I am.

8. I restore the right energy flow and balance to trusting myself to be aware.

Oli: I feel aware. I feel like I can do it. I feel like myself before this happened. I can do it!!!

We looked at the time and it was necessary to walk back to get her son from school. On the way, Oli shared that she feels like pounds have been lifted of her body and she is finally feeling confidence in her ability to be on the road!

She got into the car, I watched her drive off and a bit later I got this text:

And after that a call: “You are a magician or something – I drove home, and it was really good. I tapped on the way a little bit when I got to the light, but I was fine, I feel RELIEF.”

Of course, we will monitor what happens, but the results of these 47 minutes were truly amazing!

I hope this helps you with whatever is going on in your life and you will find relief.

Helpful Resources:

🔗 4 Steps to Invincibility and to take control of your life:

🔗 Simple Guide To Creating The Life You Want:


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