Have you ever found yourself feeling unappreciated despite your efforts to extend kindness to others? Or perhaps you find yourself surrounded by needy people who constantly drain your energy and leave you feeling frustrated and resentful? Understanding the law of attraction can shed some light on why this happens and how you can shift your focus to attract more positive experiences and relationships.
Firstly, it's important to examine why you offer kindness to others. If you do it out of a genuine desire to help and connect with others, you will feel fulfilled in that moment. However, if your motive is to seek approval or external validation, you may become needy and resentful when that appreciation doesn't come your way. This needy vibration then attracts similar vibrations, hence why you may find yourself surrounded by needy people.
Think of yourself as a jumper cable trying to jump-start a car with a dead battery. Your kindness serves as a way to connect the person to source energy, but if they don't maintain that connection, they can't reciprocate the appreciation you desire. Instead of expecting something in return, focus on maintaining your own connection to source energy and offering kindness without attachment to the outcome.
Moreover, your perception of others plays a big role in how they show up in your experience. If you consistently view someone as needy, you activate that vibration in them and attract more of it. However, if you shift your focus to positive aspects of that person, such as their independence or appreciation, your relationship with them will reflect that dominant vibration.
To attract positive experiences and relationships, focus on maintaining your own connection to source energy and offering kindness without attachment to the outcome. Shift your focus to positive aspects of others to activate those vibrations and attract more of them. Your true power lies in allowing what you want in and closing the gap between where you are and what you want.
Helpful Resources:
🔗 4 Steps to Invincibility and to take control of your life: https://www.re-evolve.me/4-step-process-to-become-invincible.
🔗 Simple Guide To Creating The Life You Want: https://www.re-evolve.me/simple-guide-to-creating-the-life-you-want.
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